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Radovi u međunarodnim časopisima
- Valčić O, Jovanović I, Milanović S, Gvozdić D: (2013) Selenium status of feedstuffs and grazing ewes in Serbia, Acta Veterinaria, 63: 5-6, 665-75. DOI: 10.2298/AVB1306665V.
- Jovanović IB, Veličković M, Vuković D, Milanović S, Valčić O, and Gvozdić D (2013) Effects of Different Amounts of Supplemental Selenium and Vitamin E on the Incidence of Retained Placenta, Selenium, Malondialdehyde, and Thyronines Status in Cows Treated with Prostaglandin F2α for the Induction of Parturition, Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 2013: Art. ID 867453, 6 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/867453.
- Valčić Olivera, Jovanović IB, Milanović Svetlana (2011) Selenium, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, and thyroid hormone activation in broilers suplemented with selenium as selenized yeast or sodium selenite. The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research, 59: 2-3, 69-77.
- Milanović S, Lazarević M, Jokić Ž, Jovanović I, Pešut O, Kirovski D, Marinković D. (2008) The influence of organic and inorganic Fe supplementation on red blood picture, immune response and quantity of iron in organs of broiler chickens. Acta Veterinaria 58: 2-3, 179-89.
- Pešut Olivera, Jovanović IB, Gvozdić D, Stojić V. (2004) Selenium status of sheep and their lambs in the northern Serbian province Vojvodina. Acta Veterinaria, 54: 5-6, 403-9.
- Jovanović I, Pešut Olivera, Gvozdić D and Stojić V. (2004) Selenium and Iodine status relationship in calves and heifers from selenium and iodine deficient areas in Serbia, Acta Veterinaria, 54: 1, 3-11.
- Mihailović MB, Vasiljević Z, Šobajić S, Jovanović IB, Pešut O, Matić G. (2003) Antioxidant status of patients with acute myocardial infarction, Trace Elements and Electrolytes, 20: 1, 5-7.
- Mihailović M, Cvetković M, Ljubić A, Kosanović M, Nedeljković S, Jovanović I, Pešut O. (2000) Selenium and malondialdehyde content and glutathione peroxidase activity in maternal and umbilical cord blood and amniotic fluid, Biological Trace Element Research, 73: 1, 47-54.
- Mihailović MB, Avramović D, Jovanović IB, Pešut O, Matić D, Stojanov V. (1998) Blood and plasma selenium levels and GSH-Px activities in patients with arterial hypertension and heart insufficiency. J. Environ. Pathol. Toxicol. and Oncology, 17: 3-4, 285-89.
- Jovanović IB, Pešut O, Mihailović M, and Kosanović M. (1998) Selenium content in feedstuffs from Vojvodina (Serbia), Acta Veterinaria, 48: 5-6, 339-44.
- Mihailović M, Lindberg P, Jovanović I, Antić D. (1992) Selenium status of patients with Balkan Endemic Nephropathy, Biological Trace Elements Research, 33, April – June, 71-7.
Saopštenja na međunarodnim skupovima
- Tešić N, Gvozdić D, Vuković D, Jovanović I, Milanović S, Maletić M, Radišić S. (2013) Blood calcium level, liver and muscle function parameters in downer cow syndrome, Congress Proceedings, XIII Middle European Buiatric’s Congress, Belgrade, 5-8 June, 96-106, UDC: 636.2+616.8-009.1:546.41+591.11, ISBN 978-86-916767-0-4, http://www.xiiimebc-belgrade.co.rs/
- Gvozdić D, Barna T, Milovanović A, Stančić B, Božić A, Jovanović I, Milanović S, Vuković D, Šuluburić A (2013) Human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) in the repeat-breeding dairy cows reproduction, Congress Proceedings, XIII Middle European Buiatric’s Congress, Belgrade, 5-8 June, 192-202, UDC: 636.234+577.175.6:591.16+616-091, ISBN 978-86-916767-0-4, http://www.xiiimebc-belgrade.co.rs/
- Gvozdić D, Vuković D, Fratrić N, Stančić B, Božić A, Jovanović I, Milanović S, Barna T, (2011) Milk progesterone test and early pregnancy diagnosis in dairy cows, 19th International Congress of Mediterranean Federation of Health and Production of Ruminants, Congress proceedings, Belgrade, 25-28, May, 450-3.
Radovi u nacionalnim časopisima
- Gvozdić D, Stojić V, Fratrić N, Pešut O, Jovanović I, Kirovski D, Šamanc H, Dimitrijević B, Vujanac I. (2007) Efficiency of immunoglobulin absorption in newborn calves receiving oral clinoptilolite treatment. Lucrari Stiintifice, Medicina Veterinaria Timisoara, XL, 234-242.
- Jovanović I, Pešut O, Gvozdić D, Stojić V, Šamanc H, Fratrić N, Kirovski D, Vujanac I, Dimitrijević B. (2007) Selenium and iodine status relationship in calves and heifers from selenium and iodine deficient areas in serbia. Lucrari Stiintifice, Medicina Veterinaria Timisoara, XL, 75-82.
- Milanović S, Lazarević M, Jokić Ž, Pešut O, Kirovski D, Jovanović I. (2007) Uticaj organski i neorganski vezanog gvožđa na proizvodne rezultate brojlera, Veterinarski glasnik, 61: 5-6, 279-89.
Saopštenja na nacionalnim skupovima
- Gvozdić D, Jovanović I, Fratrić N. (2012) Uloga i značaj kalcijuma u graviditetu i puerperijumu, Zbornik predavanja sanaučnog simpozijuma “Reprodukcija domaćih životinja i bolesti novorođenčadi”, 4-7 oktobar, Divčibare, 13-26.
- Gvozdić D, Jovanović I, Milanović S, Fratrić N (2011) Efikasnost reprodukcije mlečnih krava, Zbornik predavanja naučnog simpozijuma “Reprodukcija domaćih životinja”, Divčibare, 13-6 oktobar, 3-14.
- Jovanović IB, Gvozdić D, Olivera Pešut. (2003) Selenodejodinaze – novi pogledi na ispoljavanje bioloških efekata tiroidnih hormona, Zbornik predavanja sa XXIV seminara za inovacije znanja veterinara, 13-4 februar, Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd, 71-84.